Facade Loan Program

The Mitton Village Area Façade Improvement Loan Program provides assistance to registered property owners of commercial buildings within the Mitton Village Community Improvement Area to improve the facades. Registered owners of properties may be eligible for a low interest loan up to $10,000 per “storefront” to a maximum of $40,000 per property.

Facade Loan Program Information Sheet

Facade Loan Program Guidelines & Application Form

Fee Exemption Program

The Planning and Building Permit Fee Exemption Program has been expanded to include lands within Mitton Village (shown on map below). The intent of the program is to support the existing businesses and encourage new investment in the area and meets the objectives of the Community Improvement Plan. The exemption allows applicants up to a 50% reduction on any planning application or building permit costs.

The Planning and Building departments are still required to perform reviews and inspections of work being conducted in the area as part of this program.

Mitton Village Fee Exemption Area (map)